Friday, August 27, 2010

New customer quilt.............

Ah, I know it's been way to long since we've talked. So sorry, life is just to hectic, isn't it?

But, I just had to show you a baby quilt made by one of my customers. It turned out so cute and a fun rendition from my Jungle Babies pattern.
Denise made this adorable quilt.

Here's my pattern....................Fabric sure makes a difference, doesn't it?  I love seeing other quilter's vision.  Thanks for sharing, Denise!
You can purchase my patterns at

P.S.  I'll be back soon with a new, free quilt pattern to share with you. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Gotta love computers...............

Have you ever just had one of those days? or two? I have put aside my quilting the past 24 hours and spent the time saving my computer's life. My virus program caught and removed a trojan yesterday. Only not quick enough before doing a good deal of damage. So, when no other remedy worked, I tried my last ditch idea, a complete system recovery. Thank the Lord I made those recovery disks when I first got this computer several years ago. I'd forgotten about them actually, and was in great despair yesterday trying to figure out what else I could try to save this baby. (I don't have a name for it because mostly I swear at it). Anyway, I really had not much hope of the recovery actually working, nothing else worked. But! it did. I can hardly believe it yet. Here's a picture of my baby. No, not the dog, my computer baby. This adorable dog is a picture of my son's Golden Retreiver that I get to gaze at everyday. She's my Granddoggy, Grace. Now you'll see why I really can't swear at it to much, who could swear at this face.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Duke

Well, I just had to play a minute before returning to the black and white quilt. Here's a wallhanging I made for a customer. As you can see, he loves John Wayne. My photo taking isn't so great but the quilt turned out much better than the photo.